Western Primary is a mainstream Primary school, committed to inclusive education to meet the needs and raise the expectations of all the children in its care.
We aim to provide a lively, creative and ambitious curriculum to challenge and motivate our pupils and to enable them to participate in a range of high quality learning opportunities. We are proud to have a skilled and dedicated staff who work tirelessly to provide the best teaching and learning experience for each child.
We want our pupils to enjoy coming to school and to be enthusiastic about their learning. We will nurture and encourage pupils and inspire them to be active participants in their own development and education.
We encourage our pupils to be responsible and thoughtful and play an active part in all aspects of school life. Through our pupil groups we promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Our school ambassadors support the leadership of the school, giving children a voice where their thoughts and ideas can be expressed and put into practice.
We hope to develop positive, active learners who are prepared for their role in a rich and diverse society.
At Western Primary we pride ourselves in our strong home/school relationships. We encourage an open door policy, allowing parents and staff to meet whenever a need arises. We place a high value on establishing close links between home and the school so that we can effectively work together to achieve the best for your child.
We expect high standards of behaviour from all of our pupils.
We are committed to individual achievement, personal growth and the pursuit of excellence for every child, instilling in them a confidence to achieve their full potential both academically and personally.
We hope Western Primary School enjoys a long and successful working relationship with you and your child.
Mrs Dean
Values and Ethos
Western Primary School provides a stimulating environment where curiosity is welcomed, enquiry encouraged and an excitement of learning is fostered. We try to enhance the life of each child, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to take a full part in society.
We promote understanding and respect for democracy, tolerance, fairness and respect for self, others and the environment and encourage collaborative learning. We also enable pupils to distinguish between right and wrong and accept responsibility for actions and behaviours.
We enable each child to feel pride in their efforts and to have confidence in their own abilities. We are striving to achieve a successful school of which staff, children, parents and the community will be proud and where all are welcomed, feel safe & secure and valued.

Class Dojo
If you are a parent, you can connect to with us through Class Dojo. Home learning will be posted here along with updates and class inforamtion. Class Dojo can be accessed through your web browser or through the app (Available through the Apple App Store or Google Play Store).