Compass Go


The Compass GO Mental Health Support Team provides preventative and early intervention emotional and mental health well-being support to children and young people aged 5-19 years old in North East Lincolnshire. They work directly with schools to support education staff with their Whole School Approach and to ensure that children and young people are given wrap-around care at the right time, in the right place with the right service.


The Compass GO team work with Western Primary School to offer their early intervention POD initiative. This is a low intensity support approach in groups up to 6 children to help support them and giving them the tools to effectively manage their emotions, which include; anxiety, low mood, self-harm, relationships, exam stress, strong emotions and transitions.


They can also work 1:1 with children where referrals have been made through school and discussed with staff and parents/carers.


Compass Go also come into school and deliver assemblies and workshops for all year groups to help develop resilience and the ability to self-help.


Please see below for some useful weblinks.