Jackal – Year 3 and 4 – Mrs Pykett
Panther – Year 3 and 4 – Miss Lamb
Cougar – Year 3 and 4 – Mrs Mumby
Jaguar – Year 5 and 6 – Miss Jones
Cheetah – Year 5 and 6 – Mrs Foley and Miss Robbins
Leopard – Year 5 and 6 – Miss Dodd
STAR room – Mrs Taylor
Start/End of the day
Doors open at 8:50. Children can come straight in to class to get on with morning activities. The school day finishes at 3:30 for KS2. Children can be collected from the playground doors.
The Tuck Shop runs at break times on Mon, Wed and Thurs. No more than 30p a day will be needed.
We advise children to leave their PE kit in their locker for the week and take it home when it is ready for washing. Children will need warmer clothes for outdoor PE in the colder weather.
Home Learning and Home Reading
Children will have access to their weekly spelling lists and an optional weekly activity on Class Dojo.
We encourage children to read as much as possible at home. Little and often is best. We also encourage children to re-read books once finished to aid in developing fluency. You can support your child by discussing what they have read, making predictions and using inference.