Meet our governors


Western Primary School Instrument of Government

School Governors (Including committee information)

Attendance record at governing body and committee meetings


Mrs Ellie Dean (Head Teacher)

“Hello all! For those of you I haven’t yet met I am Ellie Dean and was appointed the headteacher of Western Primary on November 2024. However, I have had the pleasure of working at the school for over 10 years as Deputy Headteacher, Year 6 teacher, SENCO and Designated Safeguarding Lead. Western Primary is a truly special school which puts the children and their needs at the heart of everything it does. Both myself and all the staff go above and beyond for all our children and families, giving children the best possible start to their education journey and providing future life skills. I am very lucky to work here and very proud of everything we achieve.”


Mrs Katie Brown (Chair of Governors)


Mr Dan Forrester (Local Authority Governor)


Mr Robert Baker (Staff Governor)

“I joined Western in 2008 as a newly qualified teacher.  With the support of the school, I have worked my way to joining the leadership team alongside my teaching commitment.  I am committed to supporting the school and feel lucky to be part of a team that truly cares for it’s pupils and always has their best interests at heart.”


Mr Aaron Jensen

“I have been a teacher for 10 years, leading change specifically in mathematics and PE across school. I have taught and governed in a school similar to Western for a long time and believe I can offer opinions and support that might help to continue school improvement. ”



Governor Files