Our last OFSTED visit (May 2023) rated us with an overall judgment of ‘Requires Improvement’. Whilst this was a disappointment for us, many positive areas were identified including ‘Good’ judgements for ‘behaviour and attitudes’ and ‘early years provision’.
We have formulated a rapid improvement plan and we are working hard to quickly address the areas highlighted. We have already made significant changes to the school in order to make our provision better for our pupils. We are confident that our judgement will return to ‘Good’.
Here are some of the things OFSTED said about our school:
‘Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), feel safe and that they belong in this welcoming and inclusive school. ‘
‘Staff and pupils live out the school’s motto, ‘the school that cares’. ‘
‘Well-established routines and positive relationships between adults and pupils contribute towards the school’s calm environment.’
‘Pupils are polite and friendly.’