What is Pupil Premium Funding?
The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers.
Pupil Premium at Western Primary School
At Western Primary School, the achievement of Pupil Premium children is held in high regard. A designated member of the Senior Leadership Team and an appointed School Governor work to implement the school’s Pupil Premium policy and provide high quality strategies aimed at raising the attainment of Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium. The school uses Pupil Premium funding to implement a wide range of strategies including academic, social , emotional and extracurricular. The school understands that Pupil Premium children span the spectrum of abilities and a special regard is taken to monitoring the progress of higher ability children.
First and foremost, we provide good quality teaching to all. Termly Pupil Progress meetings are held to identify specific issues among Pupil Premium children and interventions are discussed and implemented. The SLT and Governors have a strategic view of Pupil Premium attainment and progress and use this to challenge and evaluate practice.
The school aims to promote the progress and attainment of Pupil Premium eligible children regardless of their background, ethnicity, socio-economic status or prior attainment. Western Primary school recognises the importance of promoting personal development, welfare and behaviour as means to raising attainment. The school values parental engagement and has a range of strategies in place to get parents on board with promoting learning.
Academic Year 2023/2024
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-2024 (Reviewed)