At Western Primary School we believe that physical education is a key part of the curriculum. Physical activity promotes the knowledge and understanding of personal health and physical development as well as having a positive impact on academic achievement and improving interactions with others. Through physical education, children can develop body awareness, self-esteem and skills such as teamwork, cooperation and sportsmanship. It develops children’s physical competence and confidence, as well as their ability to use these qualities to perform a range of activities. It is important that children experience a wide range of physical activities that are enjoyable, vigorous, purposeful and regular. The children participate in a vast number of physical activities including: gymnastics, dance, games, athletics, outdoor and adventure and swimming. Teachers deliver a motivating and high quality programme that is designed to challenge and meet the needs of all individual children.
All primary schools receive Sports Premium funding based on the number of pupils they have in Years 1 to 6 and this funding should be used to improve the quality of PE and sport in the school. The document below shows how we have spent the funding for the last academic year and the impact that it has had upon our school.
The documents below outline how we plan to use the sports premium funding this year