Mrs Hickling
In Maths this week we will be learning about telling the time using digital and analogue clocks. We will also be learning about data handling and solving problems involving time.
In English we will be learning about embedded clauses, inverted commas and paragraphs
In Science we will be learning about conductors.
In Topic we will be investigating the answer to the question ‘What makes our weather?’.
Miss Robbins
For Spellings we are working on words ending with the suffix -sion. We will also be working on using fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses. Handwriting will be also focusing on -sion words.
In English, we will be completing our character portraits for the characters in Broken: Rock, Paper, Scissors. We will also be writing a description of their homes. We will then write an alternative ending for the story.
In Maths, we will be focusing on learning our times tables.
Year 3 will be working on multiplication and division facts, and division calculation with remainders.
Year 4 will be using the grid method of multiplication and then using the chunking methods for division.
Electricity, we will be using switches.
We will be looking at tornadoes.
Miss Johnson
In SPAG this week we will be learning about pronouns and possessive pronouns.
In English we will be editing and redrafting our stories that we wrote last week about Rock, Paper, Scissors.
In maths we will be continuing to look at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, looking particularly at symmetry and different angles.
In the afternoons this week we will be continuing our Science topic of electricity and we will be investigating switches. We will also be beginning to make our Christmas cards, calendars and other Christmas crafts.